Monday, February 21, 2011

Mike the Tech

When one has many Mikes in their life, one has to provide them with endearing nicknames to keep them all straight. Michael Lawrence is MLaw, Mike Coffee is Michael Coffee, and Mike Speegle is Mike the Tech. All three Mikes are significant enough to warrant their own personalized-by-Suzy name. Granted, Mike Coffee got the less creative end of the nickname shtick, but I just like the ring of Micheal Coffee.

Mike the Tech, especially deserving of his affectionate term is a co-worker and fellow English student. Often referred to as my doppelganger (despite the fact we look nothing alike), the lifestyle similarities Mike the Tech and I share are startling and annoying to our other coworkers.

We both turned thirty this year, we are both book nerds, and we both have been chipping away at our bachelor's degree with such slow precision even the greatest sloths of academia have passed us by. However, Mike the Tech and I are finally graduating in May. He has expressed disappointment in me that I have allowed a busy schedule to interfere in my writing and to him, I dedicate this new blog. He is the voice stuck inside my head encouraging me to accomplish more. He is my earworm.

1 comment:

  1. That is the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me. Seriously.

    But know this, friend; I am never disappointed in you. I know about your CGN (crazy go nuts) schedule all too well. I just want you to be able to enjoy your talent!
