Anyway, as I've begun the process of applying to graduate school something remarkable has happened: I'm finishing things. I used to never finish stories. I'd start a lovely tale and then halfway through get bored or frustrated or inspired by a new idea. However, when applying to get into MFA writing programs, incomplete works don't really impress the folks on the review board. In the past 6 months, I've not left a single story dangling in the cosmos. No matter how bad I hate the story I'm writing, I finish it. Better to have it over and done with than floating about in the limbo of my mind right? I'm finishing projects too! I've taken a few stabs at sewing before, and usually have ended with a few scraps of fabric stitched together, no finished product, and me vowing never to attempt to sew again. However, this summer with my newfound lust for completion I have finished the following sewing projects:
3 tank tops for me
1 tank top for Michi
1 tank top for Coco
5 pair of Halloween pajama bottoms for the youngsters
3 pillow cases
A tunic (complete with pockets and a zipper. A ZIPPER!)
A skirt
Look out world! Suzy is finishing the things she starts!
So without further delay, here is the long anticipated (ha ha) conclusion to my night of debauchery in Las Vegas.
After the freaky comedy show, I felt MLaw owed me a safe activity so we made our way back to the sci-fi center where the owner had mentioned some sort of sci-fi musical was being performed. Well, I had to see what was so important as to result in the cancellation of Dr. Who night so we went.
Turns out the "musical" was a sort of Rocky Horror type production where a film is played on a screen whilst live actors lip synch and act it out on a stage in front. The film/play was called "Repo Man: A Genetic Musical." Set in a future where companies have a right to repossess organs if a payment is missed, this strange production gave me little comfort after seeing strippers and "adult" balloons. However, as I watched the mishmash of people performing and saw how much they enjoyed their craft I did get a warm feeling knowing that these people have a place. They have a little niche and a creative outlet. Sure, I may not approve. Acting out grisly horror scenes or dressing like a slutty nurse may not be my cup of tea, but it works for them. They have found their island of misfit toys and for that, I give them a hearty thumbs up. I've got my sewing, they've got their showing. This is not a bad world at all.
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HAHAHAHA! Private parts joke.