Nothing puts a dull ache in my heart quite like having my "Monday" fall on what is Saturday for the rest of the world. While everyone else is out shopping for things to grill at their weekend barbecues or planning what to wear to that [insert some sort of exciting social event here], I am getting ready to start another long week of polyester-clad self loathing. [Insert disclaimer about realizing that in the current economical state of the world, I'm blessed just to be employed and I do realize that. I do. I just don't feel it every second of every day]
To be fair, you won't hear me complaining on my "Saturday" which is Thursday for conventional people. Thursdays have become the most magical day of the week for me. After I finish with classes, the evening is mine and I don't have to fight crowds of "conventional weekend people" at the movies, restaurants, or anywhere else I choose to be.
Fridays fall into the gray-area of almost-conventional weekend since nine-to-fivers are kicking off their conventional weekend that evening. For me, Fridays are pretty nice though the shadow of my impending "Monday" always lurks in the peripherals of my subconscious.
Today is my "Tuesday." Tomorrow will be my "Wednesday" and so on and so forth. I am just waiting for Rebecca Black to autotune a song about non-conventional Fridays so that I too will have an annoying anthem to kick off my unconventional weekend.
"It's unconventional Friday, Friday, everyone else is still waiting for their weekend..." Ick.