Before I got lost though, I got cocky. Which is probably why I got lost. I started the day by venturing out with a city map and an Oyster card (a train pass) looking to see the sights. I made my way with great success to Buckhingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Burlington House, Big Ben, and the London Eye. After a frightfully good time at The London Death Trap, I decided to call it a night since it was cold and dark. Cutting through Westminster Abbey, I saw a Japanese girl getting strong-armed by some hustlers. I stood in the shadows ready to play superhero if necessary, but the girl held her own and sent the scumbags packing.
I then made my way to the tube station and promptly got on the wrong train, realized my error and sought to correct getting on another wrong train. After I got on a third wrong train, I tossed pride aside and asked for help. After getting on the right path, my train failed to open its doors at my desired stop, so I had to wait for the next stop and double back. Good times. But you know, I'm really starting to like it here.
Even though this happened!